Frequently Asked Questions
We expect that you will have questions about our many policies and procedures. We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions. Of course, if you don’t find the answers to your questions here, please don’t hesitate to contact our office so we can help you.
My child will be absent from school. What do I need to do?
Please call our attendance line at 623-478-6301. Our line is open 24 hours. For safety and efficiency, we ask that you call before 8:00 a.m. We expect the student to take responsibility for requesting and completing missed work.
Is there a dress code or uniform requirement?
In order to ensure that all students are treated fairly and with respect, we require uniforms for all students that consist of:
- Solid dark green/ash gray/burgundy/navy blue shirt with lay-down collar (polos, blouses, button-up dress shirt)
- Sweaters and sweatshirts should be the same as uniform top/shirt colors plus white or black. Only solid colors/no logos, no wearing of hoods inside.
- Solid navy/khaki shorts or slacks; no blue jeans, sweatpants, or stretchy materials (Girls may also wear skirts or jumpers.)
- No labels, tags, or logos may be showing
- No hats in the building
- Closed-toed shoes
How much time should my child spend on homework each day?
We believe that homework can be a valuable learning activity that provides skill reinforcement and helps students develop self-discipline, responsibility, and time management skills.
So our students are not overburdened with homework, we take into consideration the individual differences of students such as health, ability, conditions, and educational resources at home. We recommend the following guidelines for homework:
- Grades K–3: twenty minutes, four (4) days a week
- Grades 4–6: forty-five minutes, four (4) days a week
- Grades 7–8: sixty minutes, four (4) days a week
My child must take medication during school hours. What do I need to do?
We will cooperate with the family physician and the parents to dispense a child’s medication if the following requirements are met:
- We must have a written order from the physician stating the name of the medicine, the dosage, and time that it is to be given.
- We must have written permission from a parent allowing the appropriate staff member or the student to administer the medicine.
- We require the parent or guardian to deliver the medication to the school office in the original prescription container. If the medication is over-the-counter, we require that it be provided in the original container with all warnings and directions intact.
- We require all medications to be given to the school nurse/health aide or designee for administering.
- We permit students who have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis to carry and self-administer emergency medications including auto-injectable epinephrine. We also allow handheld inhaler devices to be carried for self-administration by students with breathing disorders. We require that the pupil’s name be on the prescription label on the medication container or device. We must have annually-written documentation authorizing possession and self-administration from a parent or guardian.
I will be enrolling my child(ren) at the school. What do I need to provide?
Welcome! We adhere to the district policy as stated in the Parent-Student Handbook found in the parent quick links on the Home page. On a district-wide basis we require the following for enrollment:
- In accordance with Arizona state law, we consider a child eligible for admission to kindergarten if he/she will be five (5) years of age before September 1 of the current school year.
- We require the documentation listed below for new students.
New student required documentation:
- Current immunization record
- Birth certificate
- Proof of residency
- Withdrawal slip and the last report card from the child’s last school, if applicable
- Notarized proof of guardianship, if applicable
- Emergency medical referral sheet
Open Enrollment:
- We may admit children who do not reside in the district based upon the governing board determination of excess capacity at each school site. Open enrollment information is available from the district office.
Does the district provide transportation to and from school?
Yes! Students who live within the school attendance area and more than one mile from school may ride the school bus. Remember, transportation is a privilege and not a statutory requirement; we reserve the right to revoke the privilege at any time.
- Please have your child ready at the bus stop seven minutes before his/her scheduled pickup time.
- We require an adult to be present at the bus stop for kindergarten students who are being picked up or dropped off.
- Please convey to your child the importance and expectations of good conduct while riding the bus.
How much does a hot lunch or breakfast cost?
Prices are set by the Littleton Elementary School District. We have a no-charge policy and will send home notices when an account is near a zero balance. Current prices are $2.30 for full price lunches and $0.40 for students on the reduced lunch program. Breakfast is free to all students.
Do you offer free or reduced lunches?
Yes, we are participants in the national school lunch and breakfast program. Applications for free or reduced price meals are available beginning July 1. We also distribute the forms at the beginning of the school year. Students may apply for lunch benefits at any point during the school year as circumstances may dictate. Please see our district Food Services page for the application and additional information.